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Baobab Smuesli: A Smoothie & Muesli Parfait

Sometimes a fruity smoothie alone is not enough to keep us feeling energised and glowing until lunchtime. Enter our Baobab "Smuesli"! The perfect combination of a light and refreshing smoothie with sustaining muesli. Pour it into a jar and take it to go on rushed mornings. 


1 tsp Aduna Baobab Powder
3/4 cup coconut water or almond milk
1 banana, frozen
1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup raspberries
handful of your favourite muesli


    Add all ingredients to your blender (except muesli) and blend until smooth.

    Pour into a glass and top with your favourite muesli or sugar-free granola!


    Recipe by Naturally Sassy