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Get Fit With Aduna Super-Cacao Powder

You might think of cacao powder as a tasty ingredient for sugar-free chocolate treats; you may know it is a natural source of antioxidants, but did you know that it can also help improve your fitness? As if you needed any more excuses to indulge in a healthy hot chocolate or cacao shake...! Here's how:

Super-charge your fitness with Aduna Cacao

The heart is the centre of our cardiovascular systems and it is responsible for just about everything that gives our bodies life - transporting vital nutrients, oxygen and water to all of our organs. Without a healthy blood flow, none of our bodily processes can work - whether it be our immune systems, our brains, our mental health, our digestive systems or our muscles.

When it comes to fitness, maintaining a good flow of oxygen to our organs, muscles and tissues is key to both athletic performance and post-workout recovery and that's where Aduna Super-Cacao comes in. Super-Cacao is the only cacao powder scientifically-proven to support healthy blood flow, circulation and overall cardiovascular health. These amazing heart benefits are thanks to Super-Cacao's high flavanol content. Flavanols are a plant-based antioxidant that support blood flow by helping maintain the elasticity of the arteries.

Aduna Super-Cacao is also a rich source of protein (almost 23%), which is essential for the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and a source of essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need for healthy muscles and bones - including potassium and magnesium. A single 20g serving provides 15% of your daily requirement for potassium, which is needed for healthy functioning of the muscles and normal blood pressure. It also provides 26% NRV for magnesium which supports muscle function and helps balance electrolyte levels in the body - important for post-workout recovery. 

As if that wasn't enough to convince you to make cacao part of your workout routine, a recent study by scientists at Kingston University discovered that epicatechin (one of the main flavanol antioxidants found in the cocoa bean) increases nitric oxide production in the body, which allows exercisers to use less energy when performing cardio and helps them cover a greater distance in less time.

How to use Super- Cacao

Just a 20g serving a day is all you need to get the flavanol, protein, magnesium and potassium hit to fuel your workouts. Check out our favourite ways to use Super-Cacao and super-charge your fitness the delicious way!


Aduna Super-Cacao is available in leading health food retailers in 18 countries around the world. Find a store near you or order online now and we will deliver straight to your door. We ship worldwide and offer free delivery for all orders over £35 UK or £50 international. 

Aduna Super-Cacao Range - Shop Now


Cacao fitness sources:

Cacao and aerobic performance: Kingston University study, April 2016: